Thursday, April 7, 2011

If I don't feed them, they say they are calling CPS!

Why must my kids insist on eating so often?!  I mean damn, I went to Wal~Hell, I bought groceries!  We were hungry - so they even got 700lbs of JUNK FOOD!  Come home, let them play outside, give baths.  Then they demand I feed them too - apparently someone told them if I don't feed em' it's "Child Abuse" (Thanks for that MOM - I blame you!).  I give in & start to Microwave some of those super healthy chicken & smiley face fry things.  Anyway ..... While I'm "cooking" I hear them, on the porch talking to a man - super Momma runs to the door, of course they are talking to a COP (a real live police man) - he was telling them how lucky they were to not have to go to school on such a pretty day, they we're tellin him how their Momma refuses to feed them (assholes).  Have my kids not learned ANYTHING from me?!  NEVER NEVER NEVER willingly speak to Johnny Law!

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